When it comes to water safety, Legionella is an often misunderstood topic. At Aquatrust, we’re committed to not only providing businesses with the very best water hygiene services, but also educating our clients on the realities of Legionella control. Today, we’re tackling some common Legionella myths and misconceptions, with expert insights from our Operations Director, Jayjay.

Legionella myth 1: Legionella only grows in hot water systems

This is a widespread misconception that can lead to dangerous oversights in water management.

Jayjay explains, “Legionella bacteria can grow and multiply in water systems at temperatures between 20℃ and 45℃. However, the optimal temperature range for growth is between 25℃ and 45℃. Therefore, Legionella can survive and multiply in both hot and cold water systems. It’s crucial to consider other factors alongside temperature, such as contamination and usage patterns.”

Legionella myth 2: Only older people need to worry about Legionnaires’ Disease

While it’s true that certain groups are at higher risk, Legionnaires’ disease doesn’t discriminate by age.

“While older adults and individuals with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to Legionnaires’ disease, anyone can become infected with the Legionella bacteria, regardless of age,” Jayjay clarifies. “Young children and healthy adults can also become ill. The severity of the infection can vary depending on a person’s overall health and underlying medical conditions.”

Legionella myth 3: You can’t catch Legionella by drinking water

This myth is a bit more nuanced. Jayjay provides some clarity: “Legionnaires’ disease isn’t typically contracted by drinking water. However, if a person accidentally inhales water into their lungs while drinking (such as when coughing or gagging), there is a potential risk of infection.”

swimming pool water

Legionella myth 4: Legionella is only a concern in industrial settings or large buildings

Many people believe that Legionella is only a problem in complex water systems, but this isn’t the case.

Jayjay elaborates, “While it is true that Legionella bacteria are more evident in larger, complex plumbing systems and cooling towers found in industrial and commercial buildings such as hospitals, hotels, and office buildings, it can also be found in simpler systems and settings such as residential homes. Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks have been linked to low complexity plumbing systems in residential homes, particularly in those with compromised immune systems. Therefore, it is important to take measures to prevent Legionella growth and transmission regardless of the size of the building or system.”

Legionella myth 5: You can kill Legionella with hot or warm water

This misconception can lead to dangerous practices in attempting to control Legionella.

Jayjay provides a detailed explanation: “Legionella thrives in tepid or lukewarm water, which means both extreme temperature highs and extreme temperature lows are not ideal for its growth. Legionella will die immediately at temperatures of 70℃, but you need not keep your water in this range forever. In fact, at only 50℃, most Legionella bacteria will die over a few hours, and the speed at which Legionella dies increases in tandem with increases in water temperature. If water reaches 60°C, the same percentage of bacteria will be killed off in two minutes.”

However, he cautions, “While you will want to maintain your hot water at a high enough temperature to kill off the bacteria, you must also assess the risk of scalding. The water temperature required to kill off Legionella is also hazardous to humans, which is why it is important to ensure water is delivered to users at a safe temperature. Where a risk assessment deems the scalding risk as significant – such as in healthcare settings – this is managed by installing thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs).”

The importance of professional water management

These myths and misconceptions highlight the complexity of Legionella control and the importance of professional water management. At Aquatrust, we provide comprehensive Legionella risk assessments, water treatment solutions and ongoing Legionella monitoring to ensure your water systems are safe and compliant.

Our team of experts, led by professionals like Jayjay, stays up-to-date with the latest research and regulations to provide you with the most effective Legionella control strategies. We understand that every water system is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet the specific needs of your business.

Don’t let misconceptions about Legionella put your business, employees or customers at risk. Contact Aquatrust today to learn more about our services and how we can help you maintain safe, compliant water systems.