RPZ valve meaning
RPZ stands for Reduced Pressure Zone and an RPZ value is a cost-effective device that prevents the backflow caused by reduced pressure.
Who needs to use RPZ valves?
RPZ valves are suitable for fluid category 4 risks which typically include the following:
- Swimming pools
- Launderettes
- Food processing plants
- Premises with significant dishwashing facilities such as restaurants, hotels, and bars
- Car washing facilities
Organisations in the leisure and hotel sectors are particularly at risk.

RPZ valve regulations and testing
Under the Water Industry Act 1991, property owners have a responsibility to ensure that every water system in their premises contains an adequate device to prevent the backflow of fluid from connections between potable and non-potable water supplies.
We are accredited to install, test and service RPZ valves. Our RPZ valve testing and installation service starts with a site survey where we assess the risks at your organisation. Looking at the plumping and water supply enables us to recommend the best fix.